Seirei no Moribito
Vrsta: TV
Prevodi kompletirani: Da.
Broj epizoda: 26
Žanr: Seinen, fantazija, akcija, avantura
Studio: Production I.G
Godina: 2007
Balsa, kopljanik i lutajuća ratnica, na jednom od svojih putovanja stiže u Jogo kraljevstvo. Posle neuspelog pokušaja ubistva sina imperatora, princa Ćaguma, carica poverava Balsi na čuvanje ovog veoma neobičnog dečaka. Naime, on je ključ jegnog mističnog fenomena koji se dešava svakih sto godina. On je Čuvar svetog duha.

0026: Going on a Journey
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0025: Banquet
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0024: Last Hope
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0023: Chasing After Sig Salua
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- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 321 Autori: Sai
0022: Season of Awakening
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0021: Jiguro Musa
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0020: To Hunter's Cave
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0019: Escape
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0018: Ancient Village
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0017: Water Wheel Burning
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0016: In All Earnestness
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0015: Premature Death
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0014: Knot
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0013: Neither Man nor Tiger
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0012: Summer Solstice Festival
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0011: Flower Wine for Tanda
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0010: Hero and Soil
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0009: Thirsty Shuga
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- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 331 Autori: Sai
0008: Swordsmith
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0007: Chagum`s Decision
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0006: It Dies in the Blue Fog
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- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 292 Autori: Sai
0005: Secret Step, the Blue Hand
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- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 341 Autori: Sai
0004: Torogai`s Writings
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- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 289 Autori: Sai
0003: A Fight to the Death
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0002: The Hunter and the Hunted
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0001: Balsa, the Female Bodyguard
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