Neon Genesis Evangelion
Vrsta: TV
Prevodi kompletirani: Da.
Broj epizoda: 26
Žanr: Akcija/Drama/Naučna Fantastika
Studio: Gainax
Godina: 1995
Godina je 2015. Petnaest godina je prošlo otkako se odigrao Drugi udar, događaj koji je mogao izbrisati čitavo čovečanstvo. Ljudski rod, još uvek u šoku, suočava se sa novom opasnošću - čudovišnim bićima po imenu Anđeli. Gendo Ikari - vođa paravojne organizacije NERV, zadužene za odbranu od Anđela - poziva svog otuđenog četrnaestogodišnjeg sina Šindžija da se pridruži borbi za opstanak. Na insistiranje svog oca, doktorke Ricuko Akagi, i svoje buduće starateljke, kapetanke Misato Kacuragi, duševno nestabilni Šindži Ikari pristaje da bude pilot Jedinice 01 Evangeliona, humanoidnog robota koji predstavlja jedino efikasno oružje u borbi protiv Anđela. On se pridružuje svojoj saborkinji Rei Ajanami, pilotu Jedinice 00 Evangeliona, ne sluteći da njegov otac ima daleko ambicioznije planove.

0026: Take Care of Yourself
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0025: Do You Love Me?
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 608 Autori: MFX
0024: The Beginning and the End, or "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"
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- Format: SRT Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 643 Autori: MFX
0023: Rei III
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0022: Don't Be
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0021: He Was Aware That He Was Still a Child
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0020: Weaving a Story II: Oral Stage
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0019: Introjection
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0018: Ambivalence
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0017: Fourth Children
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0016: Splitting of the Breast
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0015: Those women longed for the touch of others' lips and thus invited their kisses
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0014: Weaving a Story
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0013: Liliputian Hitcher
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0012: She Said, "Don't Make Others Suffer For Your Personal Hatred."
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0011: The Day Tokyo-3 Stood Still
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0010: Magma Diver
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0009: Both of You, Dance Like You Want To Win!
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0008: Asuka Strikes!
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0007: A Human Work
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0006: Rei II
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0005: Rei I
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0004: Hedgehog's Dilemma
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0003: A Transfer
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0002: The Beast
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0001: Angel Attack
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