Ishuzoku Reviewers
Vrsta: TV
Prevodi kompletirani: Da.
Broj epizoda: 12
Žanr: Komedija, eči, fantazija
Studio: Passione
Godina: 2020
U našem svetu, ljudska rasa konstantno raspravlja o nekoliko važnih pitanja kao što su: koja devojka je najbolja? Koliko je nešto dobro kao materijal za masturbiranje? Koji je fetiš najseksipilniji?
Pratite ove velike ratnice dok nam predstavljlaju različite devojke, različita mišljenja, različite probleme i pokazuju nam da svet fantazije možda i nije toliko drugačiji od našeg.

0012: Farewell, beloved fans of our beloved Reviewers...
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 240 Autori: rueno
0011: The Frighteningly Faultless Philanthropist Sexually Satisfies Several Succubi, Drunken Fools and Their Money Are, Of Course, Soon Parted, and Mitsue's Room Comes to a Close!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 254 Autori: rueno
0010: Let Your Eyes Behold the Glory and Mystery of the Brothel with a Perfect Score! Take a Newlywed or a Horny Tutor or a Little Piggie as Your Lover! They'll Squeeze, Squeeze, Squeeze It Outta Ya!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 246 Autori: rueno
0009: A Deep, Dark Something Lies Between the Living and the Dead, The Darling Angel's Lotion Explosion, and the Uncouth, Unsanctioned Reviewer Rivals Are In Their Scene!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 246 Autori: rueno
0008: Succu-girl Roleplay Will Get You Going All Night, The Angel's Holy Lance is Great at Lancing Holes, The Succubus Tower Lasts Forever, But You (and Your Mayo) Won't!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 248 Autori: rueno
0007: The Gang Gets Laid at the Egg-stravagant Egg-Laying Show, Miss Meidri's Deep, Dark Secret Uncovered, and the Succu-Girl Popularity Ranking is Unveiled!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 240 Autori: rueno
0006: You Can Build the Perfect Golem Girl, But Don't Let the Girl You Base Her Off of Find Out. Cum to the Land of Dreams on the Light of the Will o' the Wisps!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 227 Autori: rueno
0005: I Wanna Drown in a Cyclops Girl's Pretty Eye, But It's Pretty Hard? Speaking of Hard, Let tha Pros Pick Out the Perfect Mushroom Girl for a Slimy, Sticky Good Time!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 224 Autori: rueno
0004: Savage Succubi Will Squeeze the Life Out of You Even If You Say You Can't Go On, Salamander Girls Have Such Hot Bods, Hearts, Sals, and Manders, that You Can't Help But Get Fired Up About 'Em!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 260 Autori: rueno
0003: Gender-Swap Sex Means Less Succu-Girl Choices, and It Kinda Hurts, But You Learn Just What Girls Feel, So You Should Give It a Try!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 226 Autori: rueno
0002: Fairies Have Limits on What They Can Take, Demons Aren't Very Popular, Minotaur Girls Are Big, Bountiful, and Boobylicious!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 254 Autori: rueno
0001: A Hot 'n Heavy Debate About Elf and Human MILFS, An Angel Ascends at Meow Meow Paradise, Can't Get Enough of That Sensitive Birdmaid Cloaca!
- Ocjena:
- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 322 Autori: rueno