Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai (2020)
Vrsta: TV
Prevodi kompletirani: Ne.
Broj epizoda: 100
Žanr: Akcija, avantura, fantazija
Studio: Toei Animation
Godina: 2020
Nekada davno, postojao je hrabri mačevalac poznat samo kao „Heroj“ koji je porazio demona Mračnog gospodara.
Mnogo godina kasnije neko je oživeo demona. Dai živi na udaljenom ostrvu u južnim morima i sanja da postane veliki heroj. Kada čuje za oživljavanje demona Dai okuplja prijatelje i kreće u avanturu da porazi Mračnog gospodara.

0100: Farewell! The Beloved Earth
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0099: Victory with These Arms
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0098: Dai's Decision
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- Format: ASS Jezik: SR Broj downloada: 87 Autori: Uchiha163663
0097: The Tear of God
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0096: Like a Flash
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0095: The Biggest and Last Reversal
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0094: Running on Bonds
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0093: The Jewel of the Eye
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0092: The Attitude of Heaven and Earth Battle
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0091: Vearn's Truth
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0090: Mist and Kill
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0089: The Secret Method of Freezing Time
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0088: The Dark Clothing
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0087: The Decisive Attack
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0086: Killvearn's Trap
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0085: The Dark King Vearn
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0084: Stand Up, The Fate of Knight
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0083: Baran's Testament
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0082: The Successor of Justice
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0081: The Duel in the White Garden
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0080: Checkmate
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0079: The Silver Hair Hym
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0078: The Survivor from Hell
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0077: Another Hero
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0076: Justice's March
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0075: The Secret of Breach
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0074: Return of the Great Hero
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0073: The Hope in the Flames
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0072: The Last Attack
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0071: Battle of True Dragons
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