Anime diskusija

Star Driver: Kagayaki no Takuto

Autor opisa: Sagara Souske

Zanrovi: Akcija, meha, shounen
Broj epizoda: 25
Studio: Bones

To the south of Japan, there lies a lush green island called Southern Cross Isle. One night, a boy by the name of Takuto Tsunashi washes up on the shore of the island. Having swum from the mainland alone and without any possessions, he enrolls in the senior high level in the school on the island - Southern Cross High School.

With his bright and positive personality, he starts to mix with various students in the school and builds relationships with many of them, including Wako Agemaki and Sugata Shindou. But this school hides a deep secret. There are sleeping giants hidden under the ground called "Cybodies".

There are about 20 of these giants, and they are just some of the various secrets kept by everyone on the island: The secret movements of the mysterious organization known as Glittering Crux. The songs of the shrine maidens. And even Takuto himself will soon come to embrace a great secret...

This island in the southern territories surrounded by the blue sea and the blue skies is the stage where the "Eulogy of Youth" filled with love, dreams and friendships, will begin.

Taman odgledam Gosick i pomislim "hej, pa Bones nije tako los studio" odgledao sam ovo.
Emitovan od jeseni prosle godine do drugog aprila ove i definitivno je najgori anime koji sam gledao prethodna tri meseca.
Prvih 7-8 epizoda su cak i zanimljive, dok jos traje "arc" sa Sakana-chan (riba), a onda sve ide nizbrdo. Anime je jedan od najmonotonijih animea ikada, cak je i Jigoku Shoujo raznovrsniji anime. Crtez i animacija su ok, pogotovo u "Zero Time-u", ali je ispod nivoa za Bones standarde. Prvi opening i drugi ending su dobri, a drugi op. i prvi ed. su jako dosadne J-pop pesmice. Sama muzika se ne uklapa bas i ne docarava atmosferu. Umesto da dobijemo jednu epsku borbu pracenu sjajnom muzikom, dobili smo borbu kao i svaka prva (ne druga) u ovom animeu uz osrednju muziku. Likovi su apsolutno neubedljivi i bezlicni. Nijedan lik nije vredan pomena. Ovo sto sam napisao je samo kratak pregled svih zamerki koje imam. Obavezno zaobici, ukoliko niste zagrizeni mecha fan.