Autor opisa: Eleran
Godina snimanja: 2004-2005
Broj epizoda: 75
Dr. Kenzo Tenma is a renowned young brain surgeon of Japanese descent working in Europe. Highly lauded by his peers as one of the great young minds that will revolutionize the field, he is blessed with a beautiful fiancé and is on the cusp of a high promotion in the hospital he works at. However, all of that is about to change with one critical decision that Dr. Tenma faces one night—whether to save the life of a young child or that of the town"s mayor. Despite being pressured by his superiors to perform surgery on the mayor, his morals force him to perform the surgery on the young child, saving his life and forfeiting the mayor"s. All of a sudden, Dr. Tenma"s world is turned upside down by his decision leading to the loss of everything he previously had. A doctor is taught to believe that all life is equal; however, when a series of murders occur in the vicinity of Dr. Tenma, all of the evidence pointing to the young child who he saved, Tenma"s beliefs are shaken.
Naoki Urasawa"s Monster is a tale full of mystery, suspense and intrigue as Dr. Tenma journeys to find out the true identity of the young child. In turn, the fate of the world may depend on it.
Naoki Urasawa"s Monster is a tale full of mystery, suspense and intrigue as Dr. Tenma journeys to find out the true identity of the young child. In turn, the fate of the world may depend on it.
Izostavicu ovde opis i radnju anime i voleo bi da znam da li ima josh nekoga ovde na koga je ovaj anime ostavio utisak..
Spada u jednu od retkih anima u kojima koliko god da je prica isla nekako me je sve vise uvlacila u svoj svet i otkrivala malo po malo, hranila me svakom epizodom sa nekom novom informacijom koja je u tom momentu bila sitnica, ali u celokupnoj slici prethodnih epizoda velika stvar i samo preplitanje pocev od negativca koji je po mom misljenju jedan od najzanimljivijih i najupecatljivijih do sad svakako jedno fenomenalno ostvarenje...voleo bi da vidim sta drugi misle o ovom anime-u i po mogucstvu da mi kazete sta vam se svidelo, ako su likovi sta konkretno kod njih i slicno...ako opisujete neku scenu stavite u spoiler kako onima koji nisu gledali ili nisu gledali do kraja ne bi smucila tema ;)
P.S. Unapred se izvinjavam Mod and Admin ekipi ako ima thread, ali ja ga nisam nashao, jedino sam nasao u okviru prevoda tako da slobodno stavite pod lock ako ima ;)
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