Last Exile
Autor opisa: Dream Omen
It"s the dawn of the Golden Age of Aviation on planet Prester, and retro-futuristic sky vehicles known as vanships dominate the horizon. Claus Valca – a flyboy born with the right stuff – and his fiery navigator Lavie are fearless racers obsessed with becoming the first sky couriers to cross the Grand Stream in a vanship. But when the high-flying duo encounters a mysterious girl named Alvis, they are thrust into the middle of an endless battle between Anatoray and Disith – two countries systematically destroying each other according to the code of chivalric warfare. Lives will be lost and legacies determined as Claus and Lavie attempt to bring peace to their world by solving the riddle of its chaotic core.
Godina: 2003
Epizoda: 26
Kao što je neko možda primetio otvaram novi topic za neki anime samo ako je taj anime ostavio veoma jak utisak na mene
ovo je sigurno jedan od najboljih koje sam pogledao :)
skoro da nemam neke probleme sa ovim
crtež je odličan CGI je odlično upotrebljen
muzika je neverovatna glasovi izuzetni svi likovi su odlično urađeni
priča je odlično urađena jedino što su bili predvidivi na trenutke ali ipak mi se sve svidelo :)
borbe su fantastične :D kraj sigurno jedan od boljih
posle Code Geass i Witch hunter Robin ovo sigurno ima najbolji kraj :)