Covece sad kad razmislim o tome sta si napiso, ja nijedan anime koji sam poceo da gledam nisam zavrsio ( sem balck blood brothers, koji mi se najmanje svideo XD i devil may cry ). Hellsing izaso the dawn nisam odgledo, bleach nisam odgledo filmove..... Sad
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight
@Naga Koji Digimon film? Onaj sa Omnimonom? Meni su Digimon filmovi bili losi koliko i svi ostali filmovi po shounenima (izuzev Conana, on ima odlicne filmove)
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(2012-09-28, 17:23)pera94 Wrote: Covece sad kad razmislim o tome sta si napiso, ja nijedan anime koji sam poceo da gledam nisam zavrsio ( sem balck blood brothers, koji mi se najmanje svideo XD i devil may cry ). Hellsing izaso the dawn nisam odgledo, bleach nisam odgledo filmove..... Sad

Imas sad digimone na youtubeu pa nemoras da skidas,mas sinhronizovano.
Eto pa odgledaj do kraja.
Nisam jos nijednom skinuo nijedan anime XD sve gledam online, mrzi me da skidam. Ali tesko da cu te snimke gledati, nikad nisam voleo sinhronizaciju a i jos ima preko 300 epizoda a tenutno gledam one piece, ako ih nekad i budem gledo tesko da ce to biti ove godine XD
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight
(2012-09-28, 17:33)ZetaZaku Wrote: @Naga Koji Digimon film? Onaj sa Omnimonom? Meni su Digimon filmovi bili losi koliko i svi ostali filmovi po shounenima (izuzev Conana, on ima odlicne filmove)

Da bas taj 'Digimon the Movie' se zove... i da slozio bi se sa shonen filmovima, makar ja opcenito nevolim shonene... kvragu vise Shoujoue volim...

"nijedan anime koji sam poceo da gledam nisam zavrsio"

-Pera94, 2012 a.c.

Suckam u gramatici, overusam italike i boldove od 2001.
[Image: 29w5zk5.jpg]

[Image: Naga.jpg]
Anime-Planet.com - anime | manga | reviews
Zavrsio sam anime ( epizode ), ali sam mislio sve u kompletu i mange i filmove XD
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight
Ko zbog ove epizode nije junačku suzu pustio...

[Image: daftpunk2o.jpg]

Meni digimoni nikada nisu bili nesto sentimentalni, kao sto ima X drugih anima zbog kojih sam plakao i plakao, a cak zbog jednog nisam spavao po par dana XD
In the sea without lees
Standeth the bird of Hermes
Eating his wings variable
And maketh himself yet full stable
When all his feathers be from him gone
He standeth still here as a stone
Here is now both white and red
And all so the stone to quicken the dead
All and some without fable
Both hard and soft and malleable
Understand now well and right
And thank you God of this sight
A ja mislio da si mislio na odličan dvadesetominutni Digimon Adventure: The Movie i kompoziciju Bolero. Smile
Dobar je i taj sa Omnimonom - Digimon Adventure: Our War Games, a i stariji je brat dobro poznatom animiranom filmu Summer Wars. Toungue Oba filma Digimon Adventure imaju simpatičan i vrlo dobar crtež i animaciju, za čiju režiju je bio zadužen Mamoru Hosada (Summer Wars, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, itd.)
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Digimoni se vraćaju


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