Šta vam je ulepšalo/pokvarilo dan (spam edition)
Erza uzmi jedan poduži odmor, jer za jako kratko vreme ćeš početi sve iz početka, a tek kako ćeš početi da razumeš svoje roditelje auuuu pa to je neverovatno Big Grin
počinjem polako i shvaćati da su mi ovo najbolji trenutci kad ću moći uzeti bezobrazno dugačak odmor.. Cool
za koju godinu ću ih se bome ću ih odlično razumjeti..
- loše vreme, puno grmljavine, naporno Sad
"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours." Joachim Pfeiff, 14th Krieg Armored

"Some may be able to avoid the judiciaries of the Adeptus Arbites, fewer may be able to face off against the Imperial Guard and the Adeptus Astartes, but let it be known that none can stand against the Officio Assassinorum."
+Pijem nakon dugotrajnih pet mjeseci opet čajThumbs up!
-Dosta stvari..Sad
[Image: 15zjdid.png]
^ LOL Mislio sam dali ce biti pivo, vodka ili neki drugi alkohol kad ono caj. XD

+ Nista posebno.
[Image: 317bpjd.png]
Ja volim čaj Smile čaj je veoma prijatno piće Smile pijem ga kad sam u prilici i zanimljivo je što čaj više pijem leti Smile
"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours." Joachim Pfeiff, 14th Krieg Armored

"Some may be able to avoid the judiciaries of the Adeptus Arbites, fewer may be able to face off against the Imperial Guard and the Adeptus Astartes, but let it be known that none can stand against the Officio Assassinorum."
+ Napokon zavrsio sa skolom. Big Grin
- Malo mi cale dosadjivao sto imam par cetvoraka. Ima taj neki kompleks. Ne razumem ga, but whatever.
[Image: 317bpjd.png]
Popravilo: Nisam isla u skolu vec u Novi Sad i Backo Gradiste, kupila dres, a profesori mi zakljucili petice iz fizike i srpskog (srpski je trebalo da odgovaram XD)
Pokvarilo: Malo mi je krivo sto nisam videla jednu macu koju sam odnela u Backo Gradiste Sad

@vele: Daj da vidimo ocene Toungue Stavicu ja svoje, ako ce ti biti lakse XD

Srb 5
Rus 5
Eng 5
Matem 4
Fiz1 5
Fiz2 4
Hem1 5
Hem2 5
Fizicko 5
Psih. 5
Ist. 5
Geos 4
Sport 5
Likovno 5
Bios 4
[Image: 317bpjd.png]
Ja sam u osnovnoj i srednjoj imao i dvojke i trojke, sam sam uspeovao da budem vrlo dobar i odličanBig Grin
"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours." Joachim Pfeiff, 14th Krieg Armored

"Some may be able to avoid the judiciaries of the Adeptus Arbites, fewer may be able to face off against the Imperial Guard and the Adeptus Astartes, but let it be known that none can stand against the Officio Assassinorum."

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